Ethical codex

IPM ENGINEERING, Ltd., aware of the importance of ethical conduct related to the economic and human relationships and in relation to ensuring the prevention of unfair or unlawful conduct, including avoidance of possible criminal liability, adopts this Code of Ethics

Zero tolerance for an unethical and unlawful behavior

  • IPM ENGINEERING, Ltd. acknowledges high moral values and principles, and places emphasis on the compliance with the legal and regulatory standards.
  • IPM ENGINEERING, Ltd. does not tolerate any unlawful, unethical or unfair behavior.
  • Every employee is required to work properly according to his / her strengths, knowledge and abilities and to avoid any action that might endanger the legitimate interests of IPM ENGINEERING, Ltd., or its assets.

Protecting the good name of the company

  • IPM ENGINEERING Ltd. is a company that is interested in building a good name which will represent a term of the general public and a synonym of good quality.
  • Employees take care to maintain the good name of the company and avoid any action that could good name of the company threaten or damage.
  • Employees maintain the confidentiality concerning facts they have learned in the course of their employment and which, in the company's interest, can not be shared with third parties.

Commitment to the Code of Ethics

  • Code of ethics of IPM ENGINEERING, Ltd. is binding not only for employees but compliance with it will also be required from the company's business partners.
  • Following the IPM ENGINEERING Ltd. Code of Ethics a directive on the Code of Ethics is adopted, whose aim is to establish more detailed principles and rules for its observace and implementation in society.
  • All decisions in fulfilling job responsibilities are made by employees of the company in favor and in accordance with the best interests of IPM ENGINEERING Ltd.
  • Employees may not take personal interests or benefits beyond the scope of legal claims at the expense of the company's interest and benefit.
  • Employees do not accept or offer a gift or treatment that could, in the future, create a commitment to the originator of a gift or a treatment, or just the appearance of such a commitment, taking into account common sense, local custom and practice.

In order to ensure compliance with legal, internal and ethical standards, we offer our customers, partners and employees the opportunity to draw attention to cases of unethical or fraudulent behavior.

Rules for reporting unethical or fraud cases:

  • The notices hould contain as much concretein formation as possible, including the names of the persons involved, witnesses and other possible sources of relevant information.
  • Even though personalized reporting of unethical and fraudulent behavior is a priority, it can also be done anonymously. An anonymous notification, however, may complicate or prevent the thorough and proper verification and examination of the matter and the adoption of corrective measures.
  • All notifications will be treated as confidential.
  • The protection of the notifier against any repression in connection with the notification made will be guaranteed by IPM ENGINEERING, Ltd. and no manifestations of such conduct or bullying will be tolerated.
  • It is unacceptable to abuse the procedure for submitting false notifications. Such behavior will not betolerated and, depending on the seriousness of such false notification, it may be referred to the law enforcement authorities for further investigation.
  • After the investigation is completed the originator of the non-anonymous notification will be informed of its conclusions.

Zvolen, 28. 03. 2017

Ing. Radovan ManĂ­k

IPM ENGINEERING, s.r.o., All Rights Reserved